Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Trip Home to Texas

A few weeks ago I was able to fly home and see my family for a week because Brian was in the field. I was really excited to go home and see everyone I had missed so much! I was able to spend a lot of time with my family and of course my little neice, Gracie. While I was home I was able to eat some good Mexican food, which is lacking up here in Virginia, and hang out with my friend Dre. Thanks for going to Rosas with me! I also got to visit my cousin Jennifer and her twin baby boys. I really enjoyed visiting with her and helping her take care of her sweet boys! I also spent a few days in Lubbock visiting a couple of my best friends from college. It was fun to see how much Lubbock has already changed since last year when I left. I miss Emily and Candice so much so it was great to spend a couple of days with them! I also got to spend some time with my sister, which I never take for granted, because it doesn't happen too often with her busy schedule! My trip was so much fun but I was ready to come back to Virginia to see Brian. Here are some pics from the highlights of my trip!

What a sweet little family!

Gracie with her favorite Aunt! :)

I love my Mom and my Aunt Sandy!

Alyssa and I with Jen's twin sweet!

Jaylee and Candice

And of course...Jaders!


  1. It was so great having you home! We missed Brian, but look forward to seeing him in May at graduation!!! Love you so much!

  2. How great that you got to come to Lubbock during your trip! I wish we could have seen you!
